student milking a cow

Public Relations

What Can a School Public Relations Professional Do For Your District?

Contribute To A Positive School Climate Through

  • News releases for local newspapers/TV/radio to get media coverage of school district news

  • Ongoing recognition of student and staff achievements

  • Internal communications

  • Orientation materials to welcome new students and staff

Encourage Parental Involvement By

  • Creating parent guides, parent handbooks, district calendars, and newsletters

  • Promoting volunteer programs

  • Surveys, questionnaires, and other feedback mechanisms

Strengthen Community Participation Using:

  • Effective techniques to disseminate information on school budgets and bond referendums.

  • School/business/community partnerships

  • Key communicators, focus groups

  • Adult education, senior citizen activities, and other services

  • Formal and informal research through surveys, polls, and other means to determine public opinion and attitudes as a basis for planning and action.

Faced with the challenge of dwindling resources and rising community expectations, public education needs public relations – today more than ever.  Our professional PR staff can provide:

  • Publications

  • Media Relations

  • Budget/Bond Campaigns

  • Event Publicity

  • Student/Staff Recognition

  • Community Participation

  • PR Resource for Staff and Community

  • Photography

  • Information Clearinghouse

Why School Public Relations?
The public school district is charged with responsibility for the community’s two most important resources: the education of its youth and the wise investment of tax resources. Intelligent and informed support of schools is possible only when the public has full knowledge, understanding, and participation in the goals, programs, and policies of the schools.

A district communications program should:

• Focus attention on the fact that students, their classroom learning activities, and instruction are the major functions of the school district;
• Encourage and enhance communication, understanding, trust and mutual support between the district and the people it serves;
• Increase the quality and quantity of public participation in school affairs, activities and programs.

The Genesee Valley BOCES Public Information Service can help your school district get the good news out to…

  • parents and non-parents;

  • business and local leaders;

  • media; and

  • even your own staff.

The Genesee Valley BOCES Public Information Service provides an on-site coordinator to help the district communicate effectively with its audiences and build community support. Services can include newsletters, news releases, photography, calendars, budget documents, brochures, and related publications and services. Depending on the level of service your district requires, a public information coordinator can be placed in your district. 

The Public Information Service is aidable under the BOCES state aid formula - CoSer 309.

For more information contact:

Lyndsay Herkimer
Public Information Specialist
Email the Public Information Specialist
(585) 344-7658