student cutting hair and student welding


Genesee Valley BOCES has a stellar reputation built upon the work of the men and women who serve the children of our region. This commitment, compassion, and dedication have created a conduit through which our services have been delivered and will continue to grow. The following goals have been developed to support the district’s vision, mission, and achievements. Below are the mission, goals, and core values.

Our mission is to lead collaboratively in creating quality solutions to emerging educational challenges.

Strategic Goals

  • Design systems to nurture innovation and expand services

    • Utilize data to support student performance and organizational effectiveness

    • Enhance services to ensure alignment with component district and community partner needs

    • Maximize academic learning time to make every minute count

Core Values

  • The following are Genesee Valley BOCES' principles and values.
    We believe...

    • All people have something to contribute.

    • Learning enriches life

    • Accepting responsibility for choices and actions is essential for growth.

    • Quality relationships require honesty, trust, fairness, openness, and mutual respect.

    • Embracing diversity enriches the individual and strengthens society.